Quietly confident

By Louisa

It's beginning of July, and we all know what that means, don't we. Don't we?

Well for the jetty-saving committee, it means that the Christchurch City Council has made its decisions about its long-term plan.

[Pause for effect]

And there's good news for jetty lovers around the world (or more specifically, in Governors Bay). It seems the Council has allocated a cool $500,000 towards rebuilding "Governors Bay Wharf" (I know, I know, it's a *jetty*, but when you're as happy as we are, the urge to quibble goes down the gurgler).

We couldn't have hoped for a better contribution, although we pitched for more, given the constraints on funding in these unusual times. In our favour, I think, was the fact that saving the jetty isn't a project that could be delayed any longer because in three years time, there most likely wouldn't be much left to save, such is its perilous condition. A stitch in time saves nine, and all that.

At the moment, the details are scant, other than the dollar amount. We don't know if it comes with conditions or caveats, and most importantly we don't know the details of how our proposed partnership with the Council will work - though we're more than quietly confident that they are keen to help us to help them to help everyone who's keen to help restore the jetty.

Simon is going forth and organising a meeting between the Trust Board and the key players in the Council, where we'll nut out the details.

Once that's done, we can make a proper public announcement and no longer be quietly confident, but loudly excitable - and get this party started!

But you, our loyal blog reader, heard it here first.