We have piles!

“We have piles”. This is not usually something people say with great happiness, but in this case it is. The first set of piles have been delivered to the jetty, awaiting the start of piling.

The first photo is from Mick Horgan, who has a bird’s eye view of the jetty and captured the moment the piles were delivered. The other photos are from today when Prue and Louisa had the opportunity to show our local MP, Tracey McLellan, the start of physical work.

It has taken many hundreds, if not thousands, of volunteer hours on project stuff over the last 7.5 years to get to this point. Right from the early days of figuring out our options, to those who connected us with and led the supply of timber from Little River, to the tendering and contract process.

This work formed the roots of the project. Now we are starting to see the fruits of everyone’s mahi. Thank you to those involved - you know who you are.