Landward platform piles and barge assembly

Piling has now reached the new, large landward platform. The first row of piles on the platform have been driven, leaving another two rows to go. This landward platform is a new feature of the rebuild. It includes a ramp to access the water and is approximately 7.5 metres wide and 21 metres long, which will provide a large space for all sorts of activities.

The initial section of piling from the approach at land to the landward platform has had its challenges. They are the first piles to go in, have non-uniform spacing and go down different depths (to different levels of rock).
Off-site at the construction yard, the timber is being sorted and prepared for construction of the jetty frame. The jetty framing comprises capping beams that run across the piles horizontally (parallel to the shoreline) and stringers that run across and perpendicular to the capping beams. The capping beams will be installed on site with possibly some stringers, and then the remaining stringers and planks will arrive in sections being the spans between each pair of piles.

Our contractor has also recently purchased a new barge, and is in the process of final assembly. The jetty will be the barge’s first job!
Two new aluminium motor boats have been built by the contractor to move the barge about. They have been named “Rāpaki” and “The Governor”.
The barge and boats will soon be a common site in the bay next to the jetty. The barge will provide a working platform and assist with the piling of the balance of the piles. This will no doubt provide a welcome reprieve from the challenges of piling from the mud and the piling speed will likely pick up pace. The barge will also be used for the deconstruction of the old jetty.